Intrigued by the possibility of quick earnings, Jay Garrick, a 23-year-old graduate student, impulsively accepts a dubious job offer. However, this decision takes a harrowing turn when he is abducted and transported to an undisclosed facility. Unveiling the nature of the task, he realizes he's bound to infiltrate a stranger's consciousness and extract concealed information—an irreversible commitment.
Within the enigmatic realm of another person's mind, Jay encounters a mysterious entity named X, the gatekeeper of sought-after knowledge. Despite repeated attempts to extract the information, he fails, plunging into a desperate quest for escape from this mental labyrinth. To break free, he's forced to engage in a series of challenges and games orchestrated by X, revealing a fantastical world teeming with dragons, magic, cities, and spaceships—transcending genres.
As the stakes escalate, Jay grapples with unraveling the enigma that binds him to this alternate reality. Hidden within the recesses of his mind lies a profound mystery, intricately linked to his past and present. Determined to escape the clutches of his own psyche, Jay must decipher the underlying reasons for this surreal ordeal, ultimately striving to expose the truth that holds the key to his liberation. The question remains: Will he triumph in extracting the vital information and conquer the illusions within, or will he be ensnared forever in this kaleidoscopic maze of the mind?
Latest Release:
Heavenly Descent .
Brilliant light .
Life of a weapon .
The Blood witch .
Artillery strike .
- ak Mind break
- et ch 2 let
- am ch 3 I am
- ti Ch 4 Sti
- io Ch5 Helio
- W Ch 6 W
- T Ch 7 T
- s Ch 8 I s
- he Ch10 The
- Ch 11
- ow Ch12 Pow
- F Ch 13 F
- Go Ch 14 Go
- ri Side stori
- ry Side story
- 2 prologue2
- ak Mind break
- ri Ch 2 Arri
- 's Ch2God's
- X 1
- d' Ch3 God'
- d' Ch4 God'
- E Ch 5 E
- F Ch 6 F
- ro Ch7 hero
- t Ch 8 i t
- t Important
- f Attack of
- or Plot armor
- da Crimson da
- la 1 month la
- eo The dungeo
- t I thought
- v Point of v
- ni Mc explani
- in Mc explain
- st Main quest
- en Reminiscen
- er Adventurer
- th I spent th
- 1 Tempest 1
- 2 Tempest 2
- 3 Tempest 3
- g Explaning
- t I thought
- er Underwater
- on Conclusion
- s Tempest's
- it Dinner wit
- 1 battle - 1
- Battle-2
- Metals
- t Spear of t
- re Tempest re
- ou True colou
- io descriptio
- s Combined s
- ep Hol up rep
- Letter
- ni The mourni
- iz About raiz
- of The day of
- he Day of the
- he Ah yes the
- ra A time tra
- 45 Raizon 245
- e The phone
- ve Time trave
- gi Metal magi
- th Back to th
- ic Fire magic
- -
- ct What exact
- ro How to pro
- Dyne
- q Ah yes a q
- The team
- Plan
- Phizon
- th Tour of th
- nd The second
- ur Skills cur
- t The light
- e After the
- is Rescue mis
- is Rescue mis
- g Summoning
- ga Team Omega
- The horn
- io Observatio
- im Strict tim
- de Tempest de
- ar Ryan's Gar
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Gift
- ra Pov Sara
- fe Last confe
- T Sayonara T