Academy's Genius Swordmaster
Chapter 20: Blood and Egg (3)
Chapter 20: Blood and Egg (3)
Ronans eyes widened as he witnessed a bizarre phenomenon. The blood that had still been lingering on the ground was squirming and moving somewhere.
What on earth is this now?
It resembled blood vessels torn and emerging from the skin. Upon closer inspection, he saw numerous veins wriggling and crawling through the ground. It was eerie yet captivating, stimulating his curiosity.
Ronan followed the matrix of blood as if entranced. Thousands of strands of blood vessels were all crawling in the same direction. Soon enough, what he was searching for came into view.
Stopping in his tracks, Ronan exclaimed in disbelief.
This is insane.
All the blood was gathering into a dark red puddle. The blood vessels Ronan had followed were doing the same.
Marpezs egg floated in the center of the puddle.
The level of the puddle was gradually decreasing. Ronan furrowed his brow as he realized the situation. That monstrous egg was absorbing the blood.
As Aselle caught up with Ronan, he shouted,
What, what is that?!
I dont know either, man.
With a determined stride, Ronan reached out and grabbed the egg. The pooled blood around it started bubbling and surging upward. It seemed to be protesting, as if asking for the egg to be returned.
Did you do this?
Of course not.
Ronan stared at the egg with a baffled expression. Mana wasnt enough, so now it was absorbing blood?
What kind of creature could have been influenced to give birth to something like this?
At that moment, the egg moved slightly. Ronan leaped back in surprise and exclaimed,
It moved!
Yeah, man! Its about to hatch!
Aselle rushed over. The eggshell was shaking little by little. The two boys, filled with excitement, clenched their fists.
Am I the only one hearing this sound?
No, I hear it too!
Sounds like tapping were coming from inside the egg. It was becoming increasingly frequent, indicating that something was trying to come out. Ronan knocked on the eggshell as if knocking on a door.
Dont be so impatient, come out already and show us what bizarre creature you are.
A response came from inside. However, after waiting for a few minutes, there was no further progress. Aselle, who was pondering something, spoke up.
Could it be lacking nutrients?
Its still absorbing mana like crazy.
It was visible in Aselles eyes. The egg was still greedily absorbing mana from its surroundings. If they werent careful, it might even steal their own mana.
People need to eat to gain energy, right? This egg might need more blood and mana to break out of its shell.
Ronan nodded in agreement. It was a plausible explanation. Ronan gently placed the egg back into the puddle. The puddle quickly dried up.
You truly have the mind of a wizard. If thats the case, then we need to give it more blood.
Exactly. In my opinion, maybe
Aselle was about to say something, but Ronan felt a slight vibration under his foot.
Aselle didnt notice. Sensing an unsettling energy, Ronan looked around.
Why are you acting like that, Ronan?
Its Whats that sound?
Listen I hear something.
Aselle remained oblivious. Ronan sensed something ominous. He frowned and said, Whats going on?
Something is wrong. I can hear a sound.
The passage of time was marked by the creaking sounds that resonated through the air.
Really? I didnt hear anything Anyway, remember earlier when the animals were dead in the field? Lets check that place Ugh!
Hold on, Aselle. Something seems off.
Ronan covered Aselles mouth. The vibrations were getting stronger. He opened his eyes wide and looked around. A sound was persistently reaching his ears not quite like water and not like wind, more like a viscous, continuous sound.
Whats that?
At that moment, something red caught Ronans attention in the distance. It didnt take long for him to realize what it was as it undulated above the tall grass.
How do you think it feels to take a bath in blood?
Why are you suddenly asking something like that?
Aselle blinked his large eyes in confusion. Ronan reached out silently and pointed in the direction of the field where they had been before. Now, it was getting closer, visible even to Aselles eyes.
A torrent of blood was rushing towards them, flattening the bushes and rapidly approaching.
Aselle screamed like a startled girl at thunder. The crimson torrent writhed as if it had a mind of its own. All the blood from the animals that had died in the field earlier was converging into it.
Invisible Hand!
Aselles staff struck the ground urgently. Both of them were suddenly lifted into the air.
Aselle felt queasy. Because the egg was continuously draining mana in real-time, their magic was becoming increasingly unstable. He struggled to concentrate to maintain their altitude.
The swirling blood stream was now forming a spiral shape, shooting towards the egg. As the mana flowing from the egg pulled the blood, it seemed like a sentient force.
This creature isnt in its right mind either.
The egg was shaking more violently than ever before. Ronan chuckled as if amused. For an unborn creature, its antics were excessively disruptive.
Alright, lets give it a taste.
Holding the egg in his hand, he gazed at it for a moment before dropping it into the middle of the blood current. The egg made a splashing sound as it disappeared into the blood. The spiral shape distorted as the absorption began.
Seriously, youre going to drink all of that?
Ronan and Aselle marveled at the sight as they hovered in the air. The gradually transforming spiral only took about five minutes to vanish completely. Once they confirmed that all the blood was gone, they landed on the ground.
Is is it over?
Seems like it.
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